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Young Editorial agora é MUNDIAL!

Bom dia lindezas (sim, bom dia ainda) hahaha

Animados para conferir uma super novidade da nossa parceira Young?

Pois é, cada hora é uma novidade diferente, uma melhor que a outra, confesso.

Se você, amigo leitor, conhece alguém do exterior que adore livros brasileiros ou que tem a vontade de conhecer, mas não tem oportunidade (porque a mesma é escassa), mostre este post para ele e o convide a conhecer a Young Editorial, que agora tem seus livros publicados em inglês, isso mesmo, INGLÊS!

Lembrando que as traduções estão ocorrendo aos poucos, mas que já dá pra aproveitar o que tem disponível.

Conheçam as obras (traduzidas):


Jake and Meg are young, just got married and have a beautiful future ahead. However, they weren’t counting on a major catastrophe that could end their lives. An earthquake shook down the city they live in and a mysterious illness appeared right after the incident. Would this be the end of the world? Find out in this distressing story that will hold you into it from beginning to end.

Grim Reaper

Death lurks in waiting for us and calls us every day. Dead-end streets, unimaginable dimensions... It's easy to live without bothering to look beyond. It’s easy to see only the visible world to the eyes and not paying attention to the hooded figures who move around us. The creatures walk among us and when we die, they lead our souls and when we fall into the deadly abyss, there is no turning back. See beyond the dark. Beyond the heavenly. "Because life sometimes can be a nightmare worse than death itself."

Amy Buckley pass the perfect holiday with her mother, but coming back to her home in the city of San Francisco, a terrible accident happens and the boat that was in, shipwrecks. There are no survivors except for Amy, who gets out totally unscathed from the accident and is mysteriously found on the coast and taken to a hospital. Thereafter, she begins to see the world differently and disturbing dreams torments her. The girl thinks that she went crazy on the constant chase by a strange wearing a hood and a black cape, she witnesses several deaths, sometimes, even seeing the souls coming out of the corpses and being taken by this hooded creature that terrifies her so much. Meanwhile, she meets James, a strange with black hair and gray eyes that appeals only to her as everyone seems to ignore him. She trusts James immediately and tell him about her dreams and about the hooded creatures that haunts her life. What Amy does not know is that James is connected with everything that has been haunted her and that the two of them have more in common than they realize. Amy turns out to be more special than she ever imagined and along with her friends, Amy and the mysterious Jem, face various dangers and adventures, betrayals and revelations, unraveled mysteries and putting in proof trust and friendship, besides the discovery that love can arise from a deadly journey.

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